Thursday, November 27, 2008

How one week makes a difference

12 days ago we thought we were on a new path. Finally after a month of no seizure free days, Jen had a good weekend and three days of no seizures. We had just switched from a generic to name brand seizure medicine, and I thought that was the solution. I was so wrong. Last Wednesday she had 19 seizures between school and home. None were long enough or clustered together enough to use the emergency medicine. Most were tonic/clonic (gran mals) and they are so so scary to watch.
Then the next day she had many more on the bus and at school, well time for the emergency meds and the EMT's and the Emergency room once again. The doctors have now increased one of her medicines. She stayed home with me Friday and was completely wiped out. Usually she bounces back quicker. She just wanted to sleep and relax.
At least this gave me time to make the many calls needed to get better emergency plans in place for the bus and school, for when we are not with her. The bus company asked if I thought it was time for a nurse on the bus. We have been thinking this for awhile now, and this in my new pursuit, we will talk to the doctors and school dept.. So since last Friday, she has had a few seizures a day, back to quick jumps mostly. So we put last week in the back of our heads, moving on to each day hoping she has a good one that doesn't create havoc in her life or ours.

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